Experts Group Meeting of the 6th Conference of African Ministers Responsible for Civil Registration

A Decade into APAI-CRVS: Reflecting on progress and accelerating efforts towards 2030 through transformed systems.
Experts Group Meeting of the 6th Conference of African Ministers Responsible for Civil Registration
Start Date
End Date
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The 6th Conference of African Ministers Responsible for Civil Registration will be held from 24-28th October 2022 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on the theme: A Decade into APAI-CRVS: Reflecting on progress and accelerating efforts towards 2030 through transformed systems. The Conference aims to: 

a.  review progress in the development of CRVS systems over the last ten years, including taking note of new developments since the last Ministerial Conference and the fast-approaching deadline of the 2030 agenda;

b.  share innovative practices and strategies for the development of CRVS systems and;

c.  provide policy directives on priority measures and strategies for accelerated improvement of CRVS systems which will constitute the new regional CRVS strategy and plan. 

In order to adhere to public health measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Conference will adopt a hybrid approach, allowing for in-person and virtual participation. The Conference will bring together African Ministers Responsible for Civil Registration, Ministers of Health from selected countries, country experts drawn from Ministries Responsible for Civil Registration, Ministries of Health, National Statistical Offices, and National Identity Management offices, Young African Statisticians and development partners. 

The Conference, which will draw seasoned panellists from within and outside Africa, is envisaged to identify priority strategic actions that will accelerate progress of civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems in Africa over the next 8 years, ensuring there’s considerable progress in achieving 100% and 80% registration of births and deaths respectively as set by the sustainable development agenda by 2030. 


The Conference will have two components; the first is the Experts Segment, which will meet from 24th to 26th October 2022 for technical deliberations aligned to the theme and the statutory issues of the Conference. This will be followed by a Ministerial Segment, which will take place on 27th and 28th October 2022, and that will provide policy directives for the continental CRVS agenda. A number of side events and exhibitions will be held at the margins of the Conference.


All documents of the Conference will be made available electronically through a dedicated portal, while a ‘print on demand only’ service will be provided on site.